To Our Customers: As a USA based business, we appreciate your overwhelmingly positive response under the current pandemic. We know that many of you are being directly affected by COVID-19, and the rest of you are worried about the implications it may have on your life.
Even though we don’t know what tomorrow brings, the best thing we can do right now is stay positive, and be willing to help those around you. Of course, we must also stay informed, practice social distancing, and practice proper hygiene to slow the spread of the virus.
We would like to thank our employees for their hard work and dedication. At our manufacturing facilities, we have to significantly reduced our headcount so that we are in compliance with State and CDC guidelines, and we have enacted strict hand washing and station cleaning protocols. Employees who can work remote are now working remote.
Unfortunately, the reduction in workforce has caused our average delivery time to increase from 10-14 days to 3 weeks. We hope you understand that we are working as fast as safely possible to get your orders out, and will keep you updated if anything changes.
Since we started Family Gifts Co., we have had lots of ups and downs. This will be no different. We will keep striving for the American dream, and we will get through this difficult time together.
RonaldFamily Gifts Co.